New Dhol & Pipes Logo – check it out!
Check out our new logo for Dhol & Pipes! Badass in my humble opinion 😛 #dholandpipes #dhol #bagpipes #fusion — Jonny Graham (@jgrahampiper) September 3, 2015 “>
DetailsCheck out our new logo for Dhol & Pipes! Badass in my humble opinion 😛 #dholandpipes #dhol #bagpipes #fusion — Jonny Graham (@jgrahampiper) September 3, 2015 “>
DetailsLots and lots of bagpipes! That’s what best describes how my time’s been spent recently 🙂 Wouldn’t have it any other way either. I’ve been all over the place piping at functions, weddings, funerals and birthday parties. The musical-fusion group I play with Dhol & Pipes has been extremely busy too with last weekend spent…